With just a few dollars a paycheck, you can help change the lives of many people in our community. It may not seem like much to you, but your weekly contribution adds up to a BIG impact in the lives of your neighbors.
EDUCATION $561,891
After School Care (Alliance for Women & Children)
Mentoring (Big Brothers Big Sisters)
ScoutReach (Texas Trails Council – BSA)
After School Program & Teen Night (Boys & Girls Club of Abilene)
Student Success Coaching (Communities in Schools)
Youth Programs (Dyess Youth Programs)
Girl Scout Leadership Experience (Girl Scouts TX-Okla. Plains)
Phoenix (YMCA of Abilene)
HEALTH – $563,313
Healthy Texas Women (Abilene – Taylor County Public Health)
Family Care Program (Alzheimer’s Association)
Home Fire Campaign (American Red Cross)
Safety & Independence Project (APS Partners)
Adaptive Recreation (Betty Hardwick Center)
Cancer Patient Assistance (Cancer Services Network)
Intervention & Prevention (Noah Project)
Medical Program (Presbyterian Medical Care Mission)
Comprehensive Assistance and Victims & Violence Prevention (Regional Victim Crisis Center)
Bridge2Home & Hope Housing Services (Abilene Hope Haven)
Court Appointed Special Advocates (Big Country CASA)
Standing in the Gap (Christian Service Center)
Child Care Assistance (Day Nursery of Abilene)
Job Skill Preparation (FaithWorks of Abilene)
Formerly Incarcerated Transitional Program (New Beginnings – Big Country)
Self-Sufficiency (Salvation Army)
With just a few dollars a paycheck, you can help change the lives of many people in our community. It may not seem like much to you, but your weekly contribution adds up to a BIG impact in the lives of your neighbors.
$10/month ($120/year)
- School supplies and clothes for one student
- 3 months’ rent for a family experiencing homelessness
- Allows job seekers to earn a food handler certification
- Provides 12 teenagers who’ve been abused therapy art packs.
$25/month ($300/year)
- 188 meals for victims of domestic violence
- A birth certificate or a driver’s license for 12 job seekers
- Sexual Assault Advocate Training for 15 Community Volunteers
- Allows one child to have safe after-school care for an entire school year
- Provides 12 families transitioning out of homelessness rent
$50/month ($600/year)
- A CityLink bus pass for one year
- 12 sets of back-to-school supplies, clothes, and a pair of shoes for an elementary student
- Advocate training for one volunteer who can help up to eight children in foster care
- Violence prevention instruction/materials for 2500 students
- Buys work pants, shirts, and non-skid shoes for six people starting a new job
$100/month ($1,200/year)
- 15 well-woman exams a year
- A 6-week job training and internship program for one person
- 30 weeks of Trauma-Informed Counseling for a victim of violent crime
- Provides year-around academic and social services for 12 students at risk of not graduating high school